When I first went vegan several years ago, I had never spoken to or even knew another vegan. But once I began to blog in 2011, I slowly began connecting with other like-minded bloggers who were passionate about what they believed in, loved making vegan food and all had similar thoughts and opinions about it. It was kind of exciting to become a part of this community, even though it was only in a purely virtual way.
However, when I recently attended Vida Vegan Con a few days ago, I had the chance to literally meet so many of these bloggers and cookbook authors whose work I have really connected with and truly admired over the past few years. Needless to say, it was an exciting three days, packed with handshakes and hugs, information and discussion—and a ridiculous amount of amazingly tasty vegan food.
On Day One, I got to attend a session led by Hannah Kaminsky, who discussed the basic principles of food styling, and watched her turn an ugly takeout box of pad thai into a beautifully styled work of art. Food styling is a pretty solitary experience, so seeing someone else’s techniques in action from start to finish was fun!
From there, I proceeded to attend another session led by Isa Chandra Moskowitz on iPhone Food Photography. I don’t even have an iPhone, but I wanted to be in a class taught by my cooking idol, so loved every minute of it. Every word that comes out of Isa’s mouth is hysterical, and the class has made me want to ditch my Android for an iPhone and learn about this thing called “Instagram.”
Next, I attended a session moderated by Grant Butler of The Oregonian’s Foodday section, where seasoned cookbook authors Nava Atlas, Dreena Burton and Terry Hope Romero discussed the art of writing recipes, how to engage an online audience and the ways that blog and cookbook writing differ. Useful and practical information from people who know the subject best!
On Day Two, I attended a session called “Ethics Beyond the Plate,” moderated by Jason Das of SuperVegan, where Jezebel, Vegansaurus and VegNews writer Laura Beck, Leigh-Chantelle of Viva La Vegan!, Jamie J. Hagen, Erika Larson of Sews Before Bros and John McDevitt of The Laziest Vegans in the World all discussed the ethical side of veganism, and how food choices, environmental concerns and human rights all intersect—and how to make the right choices when the “right” choice isn’t always so obvious or black and white.
We then proceeded to a Vegan Battle Royale and lunch, enthusiastically and superbly hosted by Amey, Kittee and Mo—I think at least a thousand prizes were given out for correctly answered trivia questions, taste tests and more! I never went up on stage, but still had a blast watching everyone else.
With a full belly, I went to a writing workshop taught by Isa, where she showed the group ways to get a blog post started, how to connect with readers and just simply enjoy the process of writing. I will definitely use some of the techniques I learned for future blog posts!
We ended the day with a session taught by Cadry of Cadry’s Kitchen, where she explained how to integrate our own unique voice and style into our blog. I loved Cadry’s message, which was that you don’t need to be perfect in blogging—just relateable and creative—and the rest will follow! I especially love Cadry’s videos … view them here!
On Day Three, Nava Atlas, Joni Marie Newman of Just the Food and Ryan Patey of T.O.F.U. Magazine all discussed ways that they made the transition from blog to book, tips on what to do and advice for those who choose to follow this path.
I then went to a session taught by Terry Hope Romero on recipe creation and testing. Terry has 8+ years of experience in the cookbook business, and knowledgeably and generously shared with the audience what she’s learned along the way.
Our last session was taught by Kelly Peloza on artful food photography. I found her explanations of lighting and styling to be quite clear and, although I don’t shoot the photographs you see on this blog, found it to be inspiring and helpful.
In between these sessions, I had a blast with so many fellow bloggers at the White Owl Social Club, Blossoming Lotus, Veggie Grill and Staver Locomotive, where the Vida Vegan Con Galarama for the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest was held. I already can’t wait for the next VVC!
I tried to connect online with everyone new that I met but, in case we missed each other, you can connect with me on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, bloglovin’ and tumblr. Or send me an email at erinwyso [at] olivesfordinner [dot] com!
vegan.in.brighton says
Wow, it's taken me a loooong time to get through everyone's VVC blog posts! It was so awesome to meet you guys and I love that we were at so many of the same classes!
erinwyso says
It was so nice to finally meet you Jojo!
Curry St John says
Sounds like a lot of fun! But… keep your Android and use Instagram with it. I have a Samsung Galaxy S III and love my results on Instagram. I'm no pro, far from it, and don't even blog, but the vegan community on IG is huge and a lot of fun. I'm Gabstersmitty on there.
erinwyso says
Thanks! Once I figure out more about how to use it, I'll look for you on IG!
Kristy says
It was so fun meeting you and Jeff last weekend! Hanging out with you guys was definitely one of the highlights of the weekend for us. Hope to see you again soon! 🙂
erinwyso says
We enjoyed meeting you and Chris as well, Kristy — wish we had more time! If you are ever in Boston, let us know, it would be fun to meet up!
Hannah says
We went to almost completely different sessions the entire weekend! Loved hearing a bit from you about what happens in the sessions I couldn't get to. Wasn't it just the greatest weekend, the greatest? 😀
erinwyso says
I missed so many people! The conference was awesome, I wish it could have lasted longer!
Hannah says
I'm so glad you caught my workshop! I wish we could have chatted a bit, but I'm just happy to know that you were in the audience. 🙂
erinwyso says
It was really great to see you in action, Hannah, what a great way to start the conference!
Appetite Affliciton says
So exciting! I've loved reading everyone's VVC blog recaps, can't wait to come along to one!! x
erinwyso says
wish you were there, Richa! Maybe in 2015, though?
Richa says
I am going around writing the same thing on the VVC posts.. so jealous and at the same time so happy seeing all my favorite people together!!
Cadry says
Erin, it was so awesome getting to hang out with you and Jeff! David and I just had the best time, and whenever I think about the joke you made about the karaoke microphone, I still laugh! I laughed more those days in Portland than I have in a long time. If you two ever find yourself in our area, you have a place to stay. 🙂
erinwyso says
Cadry, you and David are amazing, and we loved hanging out with you! So wish you were local. Looking forward to staying in touch through your blog. That "karaoke microphone cover" will make an appearance in a food styled blog post one of these days in a very subversive and subtle "Where's Waldo?" kind of way, I'm serious! : D
Cadry says
That is too funny! I will be keeping my eyes peeled for it! 🙂
veggiesara says
I am so jealous reading this. Really.
But glad you had fun though 😉
Caitlin says
sounds like such an amazing time, erin! i'm sorry i couldn't attend this year but i'm REALLY hoping to make it next year. i want to meet you, lady!
erinwyso says
I was looking for you! NEXT TIME!
erinwyso says
Me too Kittee, you are such a warm and fun person! And you did such an amazing job with the Vegan Battle Royale!
Kittee Bee Berns says
So glad we finally got to meet!!